Cybersafe Vision is Our Mission
At Rocheston, we only do one thing: We create mind-blowingly simple and innovative products!

Investing in Women & Children for a Cybersafe Future: - Cybersecurity is our vision and passion. Investing in development and empowerment of digitally-aware women and children is our focus for every section and sector in the society and industry. Educating a woman is educating an entire family, a generation.
Cyber safety training for women will result in these aware women training and inspiring the NextGen to follow the cybersecurity practices to rein in a safer cyberspace.

The ‘Cybersecurity for Women’ initiative from [RF+] aims to bring more women from different walks of life to the cybersecurity workforce. This is a completely non-profit, charity initiative. The training program helps expose women even from rural and under-privileged backgrounds to the world of cybersecurity, perils of hacking, cyber frauds, phishing attacks, basic protection for all smartphones & other devices, and tips to use the Internet safely.

Children from infancy to their teens, are increasingly drawn to the fascinating and latest world of technology through the various user-friendly gadgets that are readily available. While digital technology is no doubt a powerful information tool on their fingertips, children must also be made aware of digital fraudsters, cyber bullies, online stalkers, cyber predators, phishers and cyber scamsters who exploit vulnerabilities in the system to maliciously cause harm to the unaware and gullible minds.
As per the study conducted by the Centre for Cyber Safety and Education’s Children’s Internet Usage, 53% of the kids use the internet for purposes other than school work per week; 29% of children use the internet in a way their parents would not approve; 40% of these young children are interacting with strangers through the internet!
[RF+] is already working with thousands of school girls in rural areas across South India, to make them aware of cyber safety practices.
Our social responsibility initiative, [RF+] will be taking the ‘Cybersecurity for Women’ program to several schools across Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Nepal, North India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, etc., where the students come from socially and economically weaker sections of society. By developing digitally empowered and cybersafe children, we contribute towards building a community of informed and aware individuals who are set to enhance the digital landscape in a secure future.