Partnership Programs


Research has revealed that warmth of love and care is necessary for tender-aged children. When protected and loved, a child views the world differently from a child abandoned due to a traumatic incident, poverty or an abusive parent. As early growing years are crucial for the development of a child’s brain, it is the duty of every adult to provide care, appropriate environment and nurturing a child needs for social, emotional and cognitive development.

Studies on children adopted from orphanages revealed 50% to 90% delays in developing skills in multiple areas (commonly, language and motor skills). Studies by different groups have also linked deprivation in orphan children leading to developmental delay in spite of good nutrition. And such delays finally leading to failures in school and later in life.

Abandonment of children in Europe in more than 90% of cases were found to be due to poverty and homelessness. However, in parts of Africa and Asia, poverty accompanied with inability to provide education (supplies, transport, clothing, etc.) brought them to orphanages.

Injustices towards children and adults are so stark and deep that humanitarian efforts are necessary. Sometimes providing the basic needs for development can prove to be more vital than education at schools.

The UNESCO’s Global Monitoring Report 2003-04 Education for All (EEA) stated that literacy rate of this region (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan), reported world’s lowest, for age group 15 years and above who are able to read and write, is well below that of the world’s 80 percent average. About two-thirds of the region’s adult illiterates are reported as women (413 million), a proportion expected to increase accordingly with time, if proper steps are not taken immediately.
